Friday, May 25, 2012

Water Therapy

Ria spent the last three days at water treadmill therapy. It has helped her to build up a lot of strength in her back legs and she is now able to stand and walk around for a couple of minutes on her own. She still struggles with getting into a standing position on her own and she is trying to get used to using just three of her legs. The left front leg is still not working. She is working hard to get better!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Ria might be able to visit home for the weekend! She is doing a lot better but she still can't walk. We are hopeful that she will be able to eventually. Currently, she only has one working leg (her right front). Her left front has nerve damage still so she can not use it. Her back legs still can not support her because she is healing from the spine and pelvis surgeries. She is happy though! We spent a nice Saturday morning with her sitting outside. She has started her water therapy. She will be going back after the weekend to keep working towards walking.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Her back end is shaved. She's wearing the cone of shame. She has bandages and stitches. But her spirits are high!! She was very excited to see Peter earlier today!

A Dog's Purpose

This is a great story! A Dog's Purpose

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Ria made it through her surgeries for her pelvis and her spine! She is still going to be at the pet hospital for another two weeks at least before we can take her home. Ria was able to stand up for a bit with some help and they realized that she was favoring her left front paw. She has some nerve damage which means she might not be able to feel much in that paw right now. We are hopeful that she will get her feeling back. She will now begin her rehabilitation. They are just waiting for her stitches to heal up before they begin water therapy with her to help her with her strength and mobility. Thank you so much for all of your support and donations!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Help Ria Walk Again

On Saturday March 28th our two dogs Ria and Trip were hit by a truck in San Antonio. Our six month old puppy Trip was killed. Our one year old dog Ria survived and was taken to the Emergency Pet Clinic. She has a broken vertebrae in her spine and a broken pelvis and tail.  Losing Trip has been so awful because he was so young. I knew that one day we would have to face living life without him, but I didn't expect that day to come for another fifteen years. We are thankful though we still have Ria.

This is Ria!

I had taken the dogs to San Antonio for the weekend to visit Peter. He is currently at Pilot Instructor training there. As soon as my meeting for work was over on Saturday, I packed up my clothes and the dog's food and dishes, loaded them into the car and we were headed to San Antonio. I had told the dogs all week that we were going to go to the dog park for the first time. Unfortunately, we didn't have a chance to go before the accident.

When I arrived in San Antonio, Peter and I left the dogs in the house and went out to dinner. About a half hour later we got the devastating call from his roommate saying that the dogs had run out the front door and been hit by a truck on the access road next to the highway. I am still so angry that the truck that hit them didn't even have the decency to stop after it hit them. We were told that other people had stopped their cars and were trying to get the dogs off the road.

This was our sweet puppy Trip!

We started this blog in order to update everyone on Ria's progress. Ria is currently at South Texas Veterinary Specialists (STVS). She will be there for a couple of weeks and may need to return for rehabilitation. 

When Ria arrived at the Emergency Pet Clinic we were faced with the awful decision of euthanasia or surgery. Her two surgeries and rehabilitation are going to be ten thousand dollars. She will need two surgeries. One for her spine and one for her pelvis. We know that we have to do all that we can for Ria. It wouldn't be right to just put her down because of the amount of money. The surgeon is hopeful that Ria will be able to walk again because of her young age and her zest for life. We love Ria and are trying to give her a second chance at life. 

A couple of dog lovers have offered to donate toward Ria's surgeries. We are going to start a chip in to try and raise the remaining amount of money needed for Ria. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Please help Ria walk again! 

And play in the leaves!